Crypto Flash Servise Sell Tokens and NFT

Crypto Flash Servise Sell Tokens and NFT

Menu flash coin

       Production of crypto coins                                               

What does our company offer?

With us you can order the service of creating a token

(NFT,BNB,ERC20,BEP20,Polygon,Fantom,Heco,Arbitrum,Moonriver,OKC,BOBA,Optimism,Aurora,Avalanche,Cronos) on Ethereum and others.

The parameters, which include the name, abbreviation, their number, are set by you. We also create a contract-seller with the specified by the customer price of the token, its wallet.

To use our services, you need to provide the name of the future token,

the number of issue and fractional decimal point,

and the price per token in ethers.

Real earnings

After creating a cryptocurrency or token, you have a real opportunity to earn good money. Users will buy coins to use them later to buy services from the project or to make a profit reselling them in the future. To make your cryptocurrency popular and interesting for users, you need to develop the project and offer unique services that will be in demand. But bringing the idea to life in the program code is not enough for promotion. You need a competent PR-campaign and specialists. We are ready to offer you quality services and help you make all your ideas come true.

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